James Development Co Ltd
"creating homes of distinction"
Overview of the Consumer Code for New Homes
The code provides maximum benefit to consumers through a genuine commitment to improving standards of construction and customer service in the provision of New Homes.

These underlying principles are summarised in the Consumer Code for New Homes Code. The organisations providing warranty cover for new homes are registered with the Consumer Code for New Homes and help to improve the quality of construction through regular and rigorous site surveys and inspections.

Through this quality focused approach, the Consumer Code for New Homes presents an industry led Consumer Code of maximum impact responding to real practices and trends in home building.
The Code ensures that Buyers of New Homes:
  • Are treated fairly by the Developer (and their Agent)
  • Are confident about the Developer's legal and professional status as a company
  • Are given clear and reliable pre-contract information upon which to make decisions about purchasing a New Home
  • Are reassured that their reservation deposit is protected and that they have 14 days to cancel the agreement
  • Know what standards of construction to expect from the Developer
  • Know what service levels to expect from the Developer (and their Agent)
  • Are given reliable and realistic information about construction, completion and handover dates
  • Understand what they have to do to maintain their New Home and address any problems that may arise
  • Know how to make a complaint and access speedy, low-cost dispute resolution arrangements if they are dissatisfied.
  • If in a vulnerable position, they are identified and given suitable support to help assist them in making decisions.
What does the Code cover?

The Consumer Code for New Homes sets higher consumer protection above and beyong the law and covers the New Home buying process to ensure that the Developer's selling activities are of a conistently high standard. This includes:
  • Pre-purchase stage: Ensuring high standards of  customer service, fair and clear documentation, adequate information provision.
  • Contract Exchange Stage: Governing the Contract of Sale, requiring minimum standards for fair and transparent contracts, accurate information about when the property will be available and protecting deposits.
  • Handover and After Sales: Providing minimum standards for handover and after sales processes, ensuring consumers' health & safety and ensuring they have suitable information for maintaining and living in your property.
  • Complaints & Disputes: Giving consumers access to clear, speedy and low cost dispute resolution if things don't go according to plan.
Click for Consumer Code
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